Wires intended for cold forming are surface coated, calibrated and covered with a fine layer of lubricant, for direct feed to the forming machines (horizontal presses).
Customised products, these wires are preliminary drawn, undergo a heat treatment step to obtain the optimum metallic structure, and are then subject to a surface treatment before a “light” drawing that gives the wire its final calibre.
The quality of these wires is measured by the final user, the forger. The lifetime of the dies, the absence of machine clogging and the absence of contamination of the oils used in the press are the performance indicators.
The wires must also retain their characteristics during transport and storage.
Surface preparation is one performance factor that can be modified, in association with wire-drawing lubricants, in order to develop high-level shaping characteristics.
Soap- or wax-based powders and liquid lubricants can be used according to the metals and the customer's technical specifications.
Recommendations regarding these lubricants, adapted to the equipment used, can be provided by our technical team on simple request.