The EDM or Electric Discharge Machine wire is intended for high-precision machining using the principle of electro-erosion. The principle consists in removal of material using electric arcs generated between the wire and the material to be machined.
EDM wires meet rigorous mechanical and electrical specifications to achieve a very high level of precision while offering the most even surface possible.
Drawing these EDM wires requires lubricants that combine wire-drawing performance with neutrality of the residues with regard to the electrical properties of the wires.
Lubricants for drawing EDM wires are used diluted into treated water (softening, osmosis, reverse osmosis, etc.) in single-wire machines.
They are generally soluble oils formulated from synthetic substances that allow for:
- extended lifetime for tools
- maintain the electro-mechanical properties of the wire
- having a lubricant that remains stable throughout use
The annealing operation affects the quantity and nature of the residues remaining on the wire, which can modify its performance. Our specific solution for the annealer aims to optimise this performance.