Tic Tac Tic Tac
Did you know? Whether in the cradle of watchmaking, Switzerland, in the Arve Valley, the historic region of French master watchmakers, or in Franche-Comté, the temple of microtechnology, CONDAT has earned a solid reputation in the machining of watch parts: watch dials, gears, spacers, plugs, pins, barrels, screws, rivets, pinions, needles…
But what is it that appeals to the watchmaking industry?
Firstly, the HSE (Health Safety Environment) profile of our NEAT GREEN oils:
- Their renewable raw materials
- Improved working environment for operators (less mist)
- The absence of labelling on these low-viscosity products (no danger pictograms).
But also, their high performance which allows :
- Improved productivity
- less wear and tear on cutting tools
- compatible with and resistant to oxidation on all metals: brass, stainless steel, titanium and even precious metals such as gold and platinum!
And when you consider that these manufacturers can machine parts with a diameter of less than 1mm using our NEAT GREEN products, you’ve got a lot to be proud of!
Products with very high technical added value, symbolizing our know-how, and a strong CSR commitment to move the lines: that’s the CONDAT promise!